Saturday, 29 September 2007

this is NOT a TEST.

Grey-faced, hypodermic people surround me - leeches waiting to suck their life through a tube, intravenously cleansing their mind & body. Walls close in, nearer every heartbeat even holding my breath refuses to stop this rushing paranoia.
Distilling my life to the most singular quantity of supply and demand may seem blasé or careless, but it is pure, wanton lust and desire that has brought me thus far and surely this which will drive me onwards. In deconstructing and simplifying to the point of pure need I have successfully removed all forethought, malice, social context and perfidious nature from my existence. Within the circles I move, there is no such thing as interfacing or original thought.

They surround me, these creatures - slaves to their own weakness or some sense of romanticism.

No such thing as post-modern irony or any pre-conceived facets of modern fashion such as the reverse-mullet. My world does not run on time conceivable to you or even to the junk sick ghosts surrounding me. I am not prey to either dealers or fashionistas. In an age where individuality is a group concept, I am truly free. Free to wallow in the pigsty or roost in the henhouse. Free to sink deep into the mire of my own perversions, or to rise above them. Nothing I do is calculated in terms of how I am received. I can be both truly deceptive but also crushingly honest. I can be whatever I choose whenever I choose to be.

They seem to draw closer by the second. Closer to me I can taste their stench; their unwashed clothes, their unkempt hair. I can see them breathing. I can FEELthem breathing.

I am the most dangerous of human misanthropes; not a drug dealer, or a con man not even a politician. I am the last human predator.

But even so, I am still assured of my own immortality. I will never die. I refuse to accept death as a viable alternative to my existence. I refuse to accept that my continuance is impossible. I will be the first immortal. And you will come to learn this.

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